Specialist Root Canal Treatment Referrals Information for Dentists in Derby, Nottingham, Leicester, Stafford and The East Midlands
Root canal treatment is available on the National Health Service. However teeth that exhibit any of the following characteristics are indications for referral to our specialist Dr Richard Milner.
- Surgical or non-surgical treatment of multi and single rotated teeth
- Complex root anatomy
- Re-root treatments
- Resorption
- Removal of fractured instruments
- Removal of posts
- Provision of post and core build up
Richard Milner is highly skilled in the specialist area of endodontics which features amongst the specialities in which he teaches , in his role as Clinical Teaching Fellow at the University of Manchester on the Endodontic and Periodontic post-graduate MSc and MRD training programmes .
He is happy to accept your patient referrals at Oakwood Dental Centre from Dentists in Derby, Nottingham, Leicester, Stafford and surrounding areas throughout the East Midlands.
Your patients will remain your patients and will always be returned to your Care following any Specialist Dental Treatment
Caring For Your Patients … Providing Great Care