Brushing and Flossing Teeth Made Easy
2011 August 21
Treat your teeth with love and care and you will reap the rewards of a healthy smile and hopefully avoid painful or expensive dental treatment costs in the future.You may have heard it all before but preventaion really is better than cure so visiting your dentist and hygienist on a regular basis is essentail and recommended.
Here are some tips on brushing and flossing to keep your teeth in tip top condition:
- Brush teeth regularly, twice a day for two to three minutes using a non abrasive fluoride toothpaste. This helps control build up of plaque
- Leave about 20minutes after meals before brushing teeth; brushing straight after a meal can do more harm than good especially if the foods or drinks you have consumed are acidic in nature as this can lead to softening of and damage to your tooth enamel
- Change your toothbrush regularly, generally every three months and before the bristles get spalyed or worn away
- Whether it’s manual or electric,use a toothbrush with a small head and medium to soft bristles
- Your teeth have four surfaces not two so remember to floss between your teeth where your toothbrush can’t reach. This will reduce plaque between teeth,keep your mouth healthy and reduce bacteria which can lead to inflammation and gum disease
Visit your dentist and hygienist every six months.You only get one set of adult teeth so look after them!
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