Dental implants to restore your smile
Loss of teeth or deterioration and gaps in your smile as you grow older or for that matter, at any age, can cause severe embarrassment .
First teeth through infancy and childhood are replced by adult teeth, but once these appear, adult teeth cannot be replaced with a new set once they are lost.
Hence, should you loose teeth through injury, accident or decay and poor oral health,this can lead not only to embarrassment and loss of confidence but also cause problems when it comes to chewing food.
If you are in this situation and wondering if there is a permanent solution to this problem, there are ways to replace missing teeth.
Dental implants are proving a popular choice for people requiring a natural-looking option for missing teeth. Dental implants are usually made from titanium which integrates well into the tissue and bone in the jaw. Once fitted and complete, they look like real teeth and it would be very difficult for anyone to know the difference between your real and a dental implant.
Dental implants also allow you carry out all the normal day to day functions required from your teeth such as eating and drinking without posing any drawbacks or causing inhibitions.
The suitability of Dental implants as a treatment option will depend on the amount of bone that is present in your mouth in order to support the implant. Iit is therefore of paramount importance that you undergo a consultation with an implant dentist who is specifically qualified in fitting dental implants.
Once they have integrated into your jawbone, your dental implants should function and look like normal teeth. This should not only help boost confidence and keep that beautiful smile lasting longer, but it should also improve speech and restore the feeling of possessing healthy and natural-looking teeth.