Natural Looking Dental Implants Are Ideal for Replacing Missing Teeth

2011 September 20
by Asha Sood

Missing teeth can create problems: Difficulty in chewing properly, difficulty talking and embarrasement with low self esteem due to how you might look.

A natural looking option to fill gaps for missing teeth are the choice of dental implants.

A dental implant is an artificial tooth which can be fitted into jawbone and it looks and feels completely like a natural ttoth.

The procedure of getting a dental implant is complex and a visit to a good implant dentist is essential. The initial treatment stage requires a hole to be drilled in the jawbone and then a  titanium rod placed in this area.

Following this,the surrounding tissue should be allowed to heal and adhere to the inserted titanium rod. Once this procedure is complete the artificial tooth,which looks just like a natural tooth, is attached to this titanium rod utilising tiny screws to hold it in place.

After the procedure is over, you can treat the dental implant as a natural tooth and look after it in the same way you would for your normal teeth. Dental implants can last for as long time if they are properly looked after and manitained.

So if you’ve been worried about that gap in your teeth, a visit to a good cosmetic dentist or implant dentist to discuss your choices for replacing you missing tooth or teeth with a dental implant would be advisable.

One Response leave one →
  1. Bare minerals coupons permalink
    September 29, 2011

    Much informative and useful article… I like it personally…

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