Simple and effective tips for whiter teeth from your cosmetic dentist

2013 October 12

Wouldn’t you love to have white teeth and a beautiful smile? It may be easier than you think as teeth whitening treatments have become cheaper and more affordable over recent years

There are also many cheaper alternatives such as strips that claim to whiten teeth when worn over them or rinses and bleaches which you can buy to use on teeth. Be wary of such products and the claims they make as teeth whitening products; whitening treatments that genuinely work should contain whitening materials of a certain concentration and strength and can now only be supplied legally by a dental professional . Many of the teeth whitening products which are sold over the internet or in beauty salons will not deliver the results they might promise and worse still , in the process of using these unregulated products, you might actually end up damaging the health and appearance of your teeth and gums.

So, how to achieve that whiter, brighter and youthful smile?
Always visit a dentist for advice and any teeth whitening treatment you might be considering. Furthermore, a good oral hygiene regimen and healthy diet is a must if you want to have healthier and whiter teeth. Daily brushing and flossing of teeth is recommended and regular visits to your dentist and hygienist will ensure good long term oral health and a healthier, whiter and brighter smile.

Contact us for more information on teeth whitening or any other aspect of cosmetic dentistry in Derby  or to book an appointment with a our Derby cosmetic dentist

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