Teeth Whitening Will it Whiten My Teeth?

2010 November 3
by Asha Sood

Teeth whitening or tooth bleaching as it is sometimes known is a safe and established procedure which is commonly employed in cosmetic dentistry today.

Depending on which treatment you opt for and the strength of the bleaching agent, the tooth whitening process usually produces good results in most cases and is effective in reversing the discolouration which may have occurred.

However, although almost everyone may be able to benefit from a teeth whitening procedure, there are some cases where it may not be suitable:

 Bleaching or teeth whitening  is not effective on veneers, crowns or false teeth such as dentures.It only works on natural teeth.

Teeth whitening only lightens your natural teeth, it does not change their existing colour, which means you may not necessarily be able to achieve a complete colour change to brilliant and dazzling white if your teeth are naturally cream coloured.

Sometimes teeth can become sensitive during or after a whitening treatment. This is usually just a temporary symptom and subsides when the treatment is completed.

If in doubt or you experience any ongoing sensitivity, your dentist will be able to advise you on how to address this.

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